During ICCN’s three week break, we each journeyed back to our congregation. I had a chance to revisit the San Francisco community. It was here, in 2017, that I first met the Good Shepherd Sisters during a weeklong visit. Being here again brought back special memories of how I began my journey with the Good Shepherd Sisters.
Though years have passed, the essence of this place remains beautifully unchanged. Perched on a hill, the property feels like a small sanctuary amidst San Francisco’s busy city. The towering trees, planted long ago, have stood as silent witnesses to the sisters’ presence here since 1932. The house itself is simple but welcoming. The dining and living rooms merge into one spacious area, forming the heart of the house. This space is my favorite, where shared moments of togetherness create a sense of warmth and belonging within the community.
When I arrived at the home of the San Francisco community, a sister was already waiting for me outside with a warm smile, and a welcoming hug. That evening, we shared a simple bowl of comforting noodles that the sisters had bought for me, sitting together and chatting as the warmth of our spirits filled the house. Shorter after I arrived, one sister asked for my help with her computer, another asked me to set up her phone, and yet another needed assistance
with the printer whenever I had time. I felt that I wasn’t just a guest, but more like I was returning home as a member of my congregation, where I belonged and where everyone feels comfortable asking for help.
Each time I transition from one community to another, where many sisters I have not lived with before, I often feel unprepared or not ready. Questions swirl in my mind: What will life in the new community be like? How will I get to know and learn about each member? What are their personalities, and will I fit in?…
Visiting the San Francisco community this time, I felt God’s gentle touch reminding me to let go of my desire for others to align with my expectations. Community life is not about finding a perfect fit but about embracing the imperfections in each other, filling the gaps with kindness, compassion, and love. It is in moments of illness or hardship that the true essence of community reveals itself; a call to bear one another’s burdens with encouragement, support, and sacrifice. When a member of the community was unable to fulfill their responsibilities, I had the opportunity to step in to help in small ways. My greatest joy was seeing my sister recover a little more each day, smiling with me, and watching the house fill with warmth fromthe Christmas decorations I put up on her behalf, as she wasn’t able to do it herself at the time. Through these simple acts of service, I felt God working through me, reminding me of St. Teresa of Avila’s words: “Christ has no body now but yours, no hands, no feet on earth but
yours. ” It was not my strength, but God's love in me. The way the sisters care for and share with one another, and communicate with respect and gentleness, are values I carry with me. I realize that in our willingness to share burdens, along with acts of kindness and solidarity, we become a source of healing; not only for the one who suffers but for myself and for the entire community.

The heart of Community
St. John Eudes reminded us not to forget that the most beautiful and priceless treasure in the world is the love of God, poured into the hearts of the faithful. It is this divine love that forms the heart of the community; a shared flame of faith, nurtured and kept alive together. I cherish the moments when the community gathers in the chapel, where we recharge our souls. The power of communal prayer far exceeds the strength of any single prayer, as each prayer of the sisters uplifts my heart and unites us in bearing one another’s burdens. It moves me to feel the struggles of the mission sisters who, with unwavering dedication, are touched by the suffering of humanity and the woundedness of creation. In this shared faith, I find not only God’s love and presence, but also the power to strengthen me to live and serve as one, united in grace.When I was there, I loved how every Sunday after a meal, each of us would write down and share something we were grateful for during the week. The simple act of saying, “I am grateful for…,” became a powerful source of positivity for me and for each member of the community, helping me see the beauty in even the smallest or most imperfect things my sisters shared moments I might have otherwise overlooked. This act of thankfulness deepened my sense of gratitude and connected me more profoundly to the goodness around me. “Gratitude is the memory of our hearts” SME, a bond that deepens with each act of thankfulness, uniting us as one in God’s love.
I am grateful…
My time at the San Francisco community marked a beautiful and blessed final chapter of my year 2024. This short break allowed me to reflect on the growth I have experienced living in community. The relationships I have nurtured at ICCN and the lessons I have learned not only enriched my time in this formative community but also gave me the confidence to enter new communities with hope and understanding. When faced with challenges or difficulties in the
future communities I will live in, I now feel more capable of facing them with optimism and a spirit of understanding. Living in community is not always easy, but it transforms into a beautiful gift when I learn to see the perfections in each other’s imperfections. As this year of 2025 continues, may God help me embrace the journey of community with hope, trust, and love for one another, embody humility, and allow His grace to work through me.
Theresa Nguyen ~ Sisters of the Good Shepherd