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Experience of Intercultural

ICCN Co-Directors

By Saima Munir ~ Sisters of Loretto at the Foot of the Cross

There is a culture unique to each family, tribe, group, village, city, region, country, and nation. Intercultural living is the coexistence of people from many cultural backgrounds in one area. The best venue in Chicago to explore interculturality is ICCN (Intercongregational Collaborative Novitiate). There are four distinct cultures in 2024: Vietnamese, Pakistani, Mexican, and American.       

Six of us arrived here, and two of us are from Pakistan, so everything is different between the six of us. Everything: attire, cuisine, culture, and time zone. On the other hand, every day brings with it fresh challenges, delight, happiness, and optimism. Chicago is a little portion of the United States, which is a large river that I see as the river where I am a tiny fish whose daily task it is to explore the river. Upon my arrival in the United States, I faced challenges. However, I am grateful to my fellow Sisters of Loretto (At the foot of the Cross) and my ICCN novices and directors for supporting me. Together, we as an ICCN family are always discovering new locations and experiences.      

At home, we all participate in prayer in our native tongues and prepare a variety of cuisines from around the world. We are enjoying our many cross-cultural experiences every day as we learn about various languages, cultures, and customs.


Upon contemplating this intercultural experience, I realize how fortunate I am to be

able to lead this lovely life surrounded by other people. Thanks to my Pakistani community, I was able to travel to the United States, gain strength for my religious life, and have a positive experience of intercultural exchange. I am also grateful to God for giving me the confidence to use my gifts in God's way. Being adaptable and able to change with the times was something my first formator, Sister Nasreen Daniel, taught me. She showed me the ropes of living an intercultural life when I moved to the United States. My gratitude goes out to my American sisters in the Loretto family for providing me with this wonderful opportunity to immerse myself in the culture of Chicago/Hyde Park. I am grateful to Sisters Nancy and Corrina, my ICCN directors, for their assistance in my intercultural adventure. I am grateful to everyone that has enabled me to take advantage of this chance.

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