By Karina Montes Ayala ~ Sister of Charity of Cincinnati
“Everything is interconnected, and this invites us to develop a spirituality of global solidarity that flows from the mystery of the Trinity.” (Laudato Si, 240)
As I reflect on the past month, considering all of our workshops, classes, and celebrations, what stands out most to me is the interconnectedness of life. From the celebration of Día de los Muertos—honoring our ancestors and loved ones who have shaped our journeys—to the observance of Thanksgiving, this month has reminded me of the gift of all the relationships in my life. The blessing of my family, my friends, my community of Sisters of Charity back home, my ICCN sisters, and the gift of everything we often take for granted.
(ICCN Thanksgiving and
My Thanksgiving Facetime call with family)
Pope Francis, in his encyclical Laudato Si', speaks of interconnectedness as a “web of relationships” between the Trinity and creation. This deeper understanding of a relational God encourages us to see the divine not only in others and ourselves but also in the Earth. Over the years, I have come to appreciate Indigenous spirituality and wisdom. There is much we can learn from their profound reverence for creation and their resilience in the face of ongoing oppression.
Reflecting on this, I am reminded of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati mission: to “act justly, build loving relationships, share our resources with those in need, and care for all creation.” We are called to radical welcome, inclusion, and generosity. We are called to advocacy and solidarity with marginalized communities. This holiday season invites us to express gratitude, prepare for the coming of Christmas, and actively work toward a more just, peaceful, and compassionate world for all.
“Peace, justice, and the preservation of creation are three absolutely interconnected themes, which cannot be separated and treated individually without once again falling into reductionism.” (Laudato Si, 92)
Pope Francis. (2015). Laudato Si’ [On Care for Our Common Home] [Encyclical letter]. Retrieved from: