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  • ICCN Co-Directors

Christ the Center of our Life

We, attended the Inter-community Novitiate Program and had more than a class or workshop with Fr. Richard Fragomeni - it was a reflection on the Eucharist.

“Christ is the center of our life” was at the beginning of his talk. It is not the first time that I have heard this, I am familiar with the phrase. It is written in our constitutions. It is the same when hearing a scripture passage again. I may hear the same gospel reading, but it is always different, I receive it as new every time.

“Christ is the center of my life.” What does it mean for me? It means a call to give Him the first place in my heart, in my life - that sacred space.  It is challenging sometimes, because I have a tendency to fill that space with something else or someone else. It means a call to see Him, consider Him or contemplate Him, not only in the tabernacle or during Mass but also as Pope John Paul II references Ecclesia de Eucharistia in his Apostolic Letter for the Year of the Eucharist, “Mane Nobiscum Domine” (“Stay With Us Lord”): “I urged all the faithful to celebrate the Eucharistic sacrifice with due reverence, offering to Jesus present in the Eucharist, both within and outside Mass...”.  To me this means that Eucharist does not end when Mass ends, but it continues outside through me.  As I have received Christ in me, I must become another Christ to others… becoming what we receive, life-giving to others, seeing and serving Christ through my brothers, sisters and in creation.

Two Scripture passages were given to help us deepen our reflection:

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” Mt25:40

“For whoever does not love a brother (sister) whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.” 1John 4:20.

Jesus, the Christ present in the tabernacle and present during Mass is also present

all around me, in the poor, the prisoner, the sick, …

I will not claim that now, “I got it”, that I have understood the meaning of the Eucharist and that it is easy to live it out. No, it is an ongoing process of learning and conversion with God’s grace.

Thank you and God bless you!           

Emerite Kiloba ~ InterCongregational Collaborative Novitiate

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